Service with Holy Communion
8am Said Eucharist | 10am Sung Eucharist

Like the ‘Said Eucharist’, the ‘Sung Eucharist’ is also a service of worship where the congregation both joins the priest in prayer to give thanks and praise to God, and shares in the sacrament of Holy Communion by receiving the consecrated elements of bread and wine, which represent Christ’s presence among the congregation. The service also enables the congregation to listen to (and reflect on) the Word of God, through several readings from both the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) and the New Testament, which are expanded and expounded on by the priest through the sermon. As with the ‘Said Eucharist’, prayers are offered for the world and the Church by a designated Intercessor from the congregation who offers prayers on behalf of all. The major difference with the ‘Sung Eucharist’, is the addition of a number of hymns which are sung by the congregation, and which allow the congregation to express their love and gratitude for God in a different way to those people who worship at the ’Said Eucharist’. The ‘Sung Eucharist’ likewise provides a vehicle through which people may have “an experience of God”. The ‘Sung Eucharist’ is always followed by morning tea which provides an opportunity for people to get to know one another better over a tea or coffee and a biscuit/cake.

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